This short video gives A great Overview of consent – check out the links at the end for more info and reach out if you have any questions!
Consent is essential to all the relationships we have in life, not just those of a sexual nature. So, it is extremely important to understand how to correctly engage in it. This is especially true because of the wide array of misconceptions out there about consent. Luckily, Planned Parenthood has come up with an acronym to help us understand how to engage in effective consensual relations: FRIES (see below). In addition to being the foundation for healthy sexual relationships, consent if practiced correctly, can spice up your sex life. Always remember, consent is sexy!

"Freely given. It’s not okay to pressure, trick, or threaten someone into saying yes. And you can’t give consent if you’re drunk, high, or passed out.
Reversible. It’s okay to say yes and then change your mind — at any time! Even if you’ve done it before, and even if you’re both naked in bed.
Informed. You can only consent to something if you have all the facts. For example, if someone says they’ll use a condom and then they don’t, there isn’t full consent.
Enthusiastic. When it comes to sex, you should do stuff you WANT to do, not things people expect you to do. If someone doesn’t seem enthusiastic (meaning happy, excited, or energized), stop and check in.
Specific. Saying yes to one thing (like going to the bedroom to make out) doesn’t mean you’re saying yes to other things (like having sex)." (Planned Parenthood)